Neighbourhood Events

Experience the kampung spirit right here in your neighbourhood!

Meet your neighbours!


Forge new friendships!


Meet your neighbours! 〰️ Forge new friendships! 〰️

Friendzone in The Neighbourhoods


2 - 3 Hours


Check our socials for updates!




In-person in your neighbourhood!

Fancy meeting people living in the same neighbourhood as you, but don’t know where to find them? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

Our community get-togethers provide the perfect opportunity for you to connect with your fellow neighbors through purposeful chats. No matter what part of Singapore you’re from, you can bet we’ll be visiting your neighbourhood.

Connect with your next-door neighbours by sharing your passions, hobbies, and stories.

What are you waiting for? Let's meet up!

Couldn't make it to the last neighbourhood event? Fret not! Nominate your neighborhood here and stay in the loop for the next gathering!

Friendzone Neighbourhood Gathering

Past Neighbourhood Gatherings

Check out memories from our past neighborhood events! (Tap for event photos!) 📸

Many people say the kampung spirit is dead. But I disagree. Because I caught a glimpse of it during my group conversations. In a form I would not have expected. Instead of sharing food like our grandparents did in the old kampung days, we shared ideas and knowledge that are just as, if not, more valuable.

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Serene Leong, For The Pride

Rediscover the kampung spirit today!

Check out our upcoming Friendzone events.

Who knows? We might just be coming to a neighbourhood near you!